AOF School of Fire Starter
We are in the last days, the Church needs to rise up and reach the lost to raise up radical disciples for Christ. God is raising up believers who are hungry and thirsty for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate powerfully and actively to move the Church to accomplish its end-time purpose.
More and more believers are yearning for the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit and fire as in the days of Acts. Apostle Peter quoted Prophet Joel in Acts 2:17:
‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’
The Holy Spirit fire is moving to empower His Church. The aim of this school is to impart and activate the Fire of God. This Fire of God will first draw you; then, cleanse you; and ignite and empower you with new strength and anointing. You will be armed with God’s Arsenal of Fire comprising diverse range of spiritual gifts to do His ministry. Breakthroughs will come quickly as you minister with His awesome Fire.
This School is for you, if you:
want more of God in your life and ministry to reap the great harvest of souls.
are seeking for spiritual breakthroughs.
want to activate and operate with spiritual gifts.
are seeking for fresh empowerment to move your life and ministry to a higher level of God's anointing.
Stay tuned for our next school and we look forward to meeting you!